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Building A New Home For The College of Business

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To maintain its position as the region’s business school of choice, the Kelce College requires an inviting facility that fosters students’ pursuit of active learning experiences, encourages students and faculty to collaborate, and promotes the engagement of students and faculty with the business community. The college aspires to provide students with an academic home that inspires innovation and nurtures entrepreneurial talents.

The College of Business has outgrown its home for the past 37 years. The building was originally constructed in 1950 to serve as a laboratory high school and was converted for the college’s use in the mid-1970s. Today, it is one of the most heavily utilized buildings on the Pitt State campus with more than one thousand business students enrolled each semester. The university’s recent space utilization study noted the following building needs that must be addressed to continue offering high quality business education:

  • more spacious and flexible classrooms to accommodate modern teaching pedagogies
  • seminar rooms for advanced undergraduate and MBA courses
  • team rooms for student collaboration and group projects
  • an electronic classroom for courses requiring student access to online resources
  • meeting spaces for student organizations
  • offices for graduate assistants, student organization leaders, and visiting executives
  • a board room for advisory groups and faculty meetings
  • additional faculty offices and departmental spaces to accommodate growth
  • public presentation and gathering spaces

In addition, the college requires additional space to advance and expand its burgeoning outreach activities in business and economic development. Furthermore, a new facility would provide the university with the opportunity to relocate existing business service units, to capture the synergies provided by proximity to the academic functions of the college. Shared spaces between the business outreach centers and the college would offer the opportunity to host small conferences and to provide professional development workshops and programs to the public.

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Jenni Hall

Jenni Hall
Director of Development for the Kelce College of Business
Phone: (620) 235-6096
Office: 112A1 Russ Hall